Little steps preschool is located in the village of ballivor Co Meath Little Steps was established in 1987. We run two 3 hour sessions daily, we cater for children from 2years and 8 months to 5 and a half years of age. We have a large spacious room, an outdoor play area with soft ground cover we also provide an outdoor play shed for those days that are a little wet. All our staff are fully qualified, dedicated and friendly. There are no hidden costs. At Halloween it’s party time where witches fairies and monsters visits at Christmas Santa drops in to listen to the children sing their Christmas songs and at Easter we have an egg hunt. There is a seasonal art programme in place. We follow Aistear and Siolta programmes. In the playroom resides Speedy our resident tortoise she encourages children to have a sense of responsibility in taking turns to feed her she is beloved by all the children that have passed through our room. At the end of year there is an end of year party for all the children.